About Jeevodaya

When stifled by Pangs of Pain, When all strengths fail
And even Tears go dry
We stand by you
To Caress, Comfort and Care for you.
May we perceive your inner sores too
-the burning Pain and the aching Void,
The haunting fears of Disability, Decay and Death.
May your sufferings make us deeply Human,
So that, we do not let you Fade away
In agony, Pain and Loneliness.
To be with a person who is dying,
to share consciousness with him and to help him die consciously,
is one of the most exquisite manifestations of true love.


Jeevodaya, provides to the needy, a bed to sleep, clothes to wear, suitable meals, and above all pain and Palliative Care and the right to die with dignity as every human being should. Jeevodaya also organises burials and cremations to suit the religious convictions of the deceased.

All this is done FREE. Absolutely FREE.

How we came together……

It was God's Will! How else can we describe the sequence of events that culminated in the birth of Jeevodaya. Prof. Dr. Udaya Mahadevan, Professor of Social Work at Loyola College, Chennai and a true social worker in word and deed, played a pivotal role in bringing about the project. She was introduced to the FCC sisters by one her students - Mr. Babu Thelapilly. The FCC sisters from Alvernia province, Kerala, had come to Chennai, with a vision of a Hospice in mind and a background of caring for cancer patients in Kerala. They were new to Chennai and needed guidance.

It was at the same time that two doctors - Dr. Manjula Krishnaswamy and Dr. Snehalatha – who were working in the cancer wing of a Government Hospital in Chennai, and who were faced with the problem of handling advanced cancer patients daily were thinking along similar lines, about the need for a Palliative Care Centre for Cancer patients.

Dr. Udaya, brought the two -groups together and after the first meeting there was no looking back.

Another red letter day was when Prof. Mohammed Harris. (again introduced by Dr. Udaya) Dean of the School of Architecture and his team mates Mr. Swaminathan and Mr. Kesavulu, offered to take It up as their School's pride project to design the Hospice - which today stands out as a pearl in an emerald landscape.

Dr. Nanjunda Rao, an eminent surgeon, Teacher and social worker, who had retired as Professor of Surgery, from Madras Medical College, consented to be the president. He was joined by Dr. Manokaran and Dr. Ponni. This group - with the FCC sister in the forefront - continues to be the core - the heart and soul of Jeevodaya, but the family is expanding. Jeevodaya is no more just a hospice or a trust, it is a movement - a philosophy - that embraces all mankind

Founder Members

  • Sr. Liberetta FCC - Sister Provincial
  • Sr. Cyprian FCC
  • Sr. Lalitha Teresa FCC
  • Dr. Udaya Mahadevan M.Phil, PhD (Social Work)
  • Dr. Manjula Krishnaswamy MS (General Surgery)

Current Office Bearers (2025)

  • Sr. Annie Davis FCC - Chairperson and President
  • Sr. Treesa Paul FCC - Executive Director
  • Sr. Lalitha Teresa FCC - Administrator
  • Sr. Vineetha Mathew FCC - Councilor
  • Dr. Manjula Krishnaswamy - Honorary Medical Director
  • Dr. Ponni - Joint Medical Director
  • Dr. Abdul Jabbar - Chief Medical Officer
  • Sr. Felicia FCC - Treasurer
  • Sr. Deena FCC - Nursing Superintendent
  • Sr. Alin Rose FCC - Secretary, PRO & Medical Social Worker

First Office Bearers of Jeevodaya

  • Sr. Liberata FCC - Chairman
  • Dr. R.Nanjunda Rao - President,Ms, FICS, FRS, TH, FAMS
  • Sr. Lalitha Teresa FCC - Secretary
  • Sr. Magna FCC - Executive Director
  • Sr. Goretti FCC - Treasurer
  • Dr. Udaya Mahadevan Ph.D - Hon.Social Work Consultant
  • Dr. Manjula Krishnaswamy MS - Hon.Medical Director
  • Dr. M. Snehalatha - Joint Hon. Medical Director (late)
  • Sr. Casilda FCC, Nursing Superintendent
  • Dr.S.Krishnamurthi MS - Supporting Member (late)
  • Dr. V.Shantha MD, DGO - Hon.Advisor (late)